Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Walk In Wardrobe Autumn 2012

Lizey's Minnie Mouse 2nd birthday party

I photographed Lizey's 1st birthday last year and was so happy when Nastashia, Lizey's mom, contacted me to shoot her 2nd birthday. Lizey is such a beautiful girl and it's amazing to see how much she grows and how her personality develops from one year to the next.

Toni and Jason, 2 year anniversary Couple shoot

This is Toni and Jason. They have been a couple for 2 years now. They like to talk a lot. They're awesome. So was their shoot. I love how their personalities come through in these pictures.

The Changing Room Autumn 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

5FM Love Sucks Party 2012

The 5FM Love Sucks party definitely did not suck!! Here are some pics from the night. It was so much fun to shoot.

Shutte Maternity shoot

I have known Lee for a very long time, about 13 years now. It has been amazing to watch her turn into a lady, a married lady...with a baby bump. Lee, you and Dev are an amazing couple and this little girl is going to bring both of you so much joy. I cannot wait to meet her.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello 2012

So 2011 was a great year for Kat Grudko Photography. Moved into a beautiful studio in Rosebank and took some amazing pictures. 2012 promises to be an even better year, and I have a sneaky suspicion my work is going to improve a lot over the next few months. Watch this space for updates on whats happening with me and my business.

I hope you all have a fantastic and safe 2012.

Here is a picture that sums up 2011 for me. It makes me smile and reminds me that happiness and friendship are two of the most important things in life.
